Sunday, June 3, 2012

Morning Rotation

I am a major fan of rotations in teaching! I have recently started up a Morning Rotation with my students. In the morning students come into the room then take out their laptop and morning work folder. The latter has their handwriting book, word sort, maths puzzler sheet, and a pencil and rubber.

The students start on handwriting while I take the roll, deal with questions, hand out marked work, etc etc. We then move into 3 x 10 minute rotations. I project the following slide to remind the kids where to move next. I only have girls in my class hence the flower names...!

Puzzlers: The groups are split according to their Daily Maths Puzzler level. I spend my time mostly with the group working on Puzzlers. At the moment we are using Concrete-Representational-Abstract for each puzzle. We use counters etc to show the concrete stage. The students then draw a representation. For the abstract stage, they write a number sentence. For the last stage, plenty of teaching moments regarding the Order of Operations pop up! The students are definitely enjoying these puzzlers and it will be interesting to track their progress over the year.

Partner Games: Students practise multiplication facts using their laptops or partner games. If they are already fluent (most of the class now - yeah!) they play mental games which mostly consist of adding and subtracting 2-3 digit numbers mentally. Most of my games are very simple, based on dice and playing cards. There are also some BLM games which I have made up including Bingo, Go Fish, I have/Who Has, etc.

WTW: Our school uses Words Their Way (which I love!). During this rotation the students sort their words. At the moment they then move into writing sentences or a blind sort/blind writing sort but maybe I will introduce games here too. From this week, I will be asking students to leave their sorts on their desk when they move to the next rotation so that I can check them over quickly.

After the rotation, we begin maths! Tomorrow we are starting Calendar Maths from Teaching in Room 6 and I can't wait!!

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